Monday, October 22, 2012

The Tarishe Curse

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      It is difficult enough to protect a young family in a world of powerful creatures, but this feat proves nearly impossible when an old witch bent on vengeance casts a curse that manipulates both heart and mind. The battle is not only with a sword but an internal struggle to love the ones you have sworn under a spell to hate, and to hate the one who through evil enchantment manipulates your heart. Catherine fights every Hallows Eve to protect her village from creatures of the night. She has sworn to avenge the deaths of loved ones, but this curse proves to be the seed of nightmares.


"Vengeance, retaliation, retribution, revenge are deceitful brothers—vile, beguiling demons promising justifiable compensation to a pained soul for his losses. Yet in truth they craftily fester away all else of worth remaining."

"Vengeance would have us assault an enemy's pride to beat him down. But vengeance hides a dangerous truth, for a humbled foe gains patience, courage, strength, and greater determination."

"I squinted at the western sky behind Thaddeus, a blood-red smear melting into blackness. Twisting my neck, I glanced the opposite direction. My teeth clenched at a magnified, round moon nearly as scarlet as the portending sunset, its luminous face half masked by hazy cloud cover. Hatred, vengeance, anger... such emotions coursed through my veins in a poisonous concoction that muddied my mind, impelling me to grip my sword tighter and fight with every ounce of strength I possessed against those who threatened my family - my kind. Currently, Thaddeus was behaving as such a threat, using his powers of persuasion to condone human sacrifice for some outrageously perceived good. He wanted an offering for the monsters; a desperate, futile offering of human flesh that would in no way protect the other villagers from being mauled as he promised."

"Naivety doesn’t excuse poor choices, deary. You and I both know life is unforgiving. I can’t rescue every drowning pup that is stupid enough to peer too deeply down a well."

"If it means battling the armies of Hades, I will fight to the death for you."

1 comment:

  1. Love and miss you. Congrats!!! How do we get a signed copy? You know we love your books. Love Jim and Cheryl
